Tuesday, August 8, 2017


Picture from: http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/technology-science/science/next-solar-eclipse-uk-7488838

With the Solar Eclipse looming around, I thought I would inform everyone of my recommendations for your pet. I honestly do not think our companion animals will be affected much since due to the short duration of the eclipse. However, no one knows for sure what will happen. My recommendations are as follows:

1. The best option is to keep your animal indoors with windows covered. This way there is no possibility for exposure of their eyes to the dangerous rays of the sun. 
Picture from: https://www.amazon.com/Precision-

2. If you must bring your pet with you, then have a crate that can be covered during the eclipse. I promise they won't mind missing it. 

3. If neither option 1 or 2 is possible, then keep your dog focused on something else during the eclipse, so they don't look up at the sun (though this is a rare possibility). Feed them a lunch, give them a peanut butter or cream cheese filled kong or a bone to chew on. 
Picture from: http://noten-animals.com/kong-toys-for-dogs/

If you have further questions, please let me know as I will be happy to help. You can either comment or send me an e-mail: dr.rueschhoff@gmail.com

I hope everyone enjoys the Eclipse, but don't forger to take safety precautions yourself. 

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