Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Breed of the Month - Khao Manee

Khao Manee

Picture from: https://www.pinterest.com/nevalv/cat-breeds/

This cat name translates to “White Gem”.  The White Gem is also known as the Diamond Eye cat because of how expensive they are. This cat comes from Thailand and has a long history. So you may love the look of this cat, but is it the right cat for you?

This cat generally has low maintenance. They can generally keep up their own coat, however occasional grooming may be needed.

They produce very little to no dander, so they are considered hypoallergenic

HEALTH: *****
This cat is generally healthy. Being white, there is a higher incidence of deafness, but otherwise there are no proven genetic predispositions. A fair warning is given that there is not much information on possible disorders on this breed since they are so rare. Please know that this breed is a pedigree breed, meaning they have a smaller gene pool = high risk of developing inherited disorders.

This breed of cat needs and wants a lot of attention. If you are unemployed, work at home or part time, then this cat will love you. If you are a full time employee, travel a lot or have a busier life style, then I would not recommend getting this breed.

Going along with needing a lot of attention, this cat also likes to keep busy. If you are a person who spends a lot of time at home, then consider the Khao Manee

This breed can be vocal if they are not getting the attention and/or exercise they need. Otherwise their vocalization can be well tolerated.


This cat is generally good with people and pets. Be aware that all individuals are different, still follow guidelines when introducing a new cat into a home. 

picture from: http://www.whitegemcattery.com/contact.html

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